Forest Health
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9 items matching your criteria.

- Gypsy Moth-A Balanced Perspective [1%]
- This video provides the viewer with a 20 minute explanation of the Gypsy Moth and its effects on individual trees and forests. Gypsy Moth management is also ...
- Plant Health Care [1%]
- This is a short video produced by the International Society of Arboriculture. The video defines the concept of Plant Health Care (focusing on the ...
- Diagnosing Air Pollution [1%]
- This is a short slide show that looks at the effects of air pollution on vegetation.
- Diagnosing Tree Problems [1%]
- This is a 30 minute slide show presentation given by Dr. Kim Coder on how to diagnose and treat tree problems.
- Living with the Southern Pine Beetle [1%]
- This is a short video that explores the life cycle and management of Southern Pine Beetle.
- Vertibrate Pests of Trees - ID of Wildlife Damage to Woody Vegetation [1%]
- This is a 10 minute presentation given by Dr. Jeff Jackson of the University of Georgia on identifying vertebrate pests that attack woody material.
- The Forest Health Crisis-A Cut-to-Length Prescription [1%]
- This is a 20 minute video that looks at the cut-to-length system ( a harvester/forwarder combo) as a means of removing hazardous fuels from National Forests as ...
- Something In The Air: A Report on Air Quality and Forest Health [1%]
- This is a 25 minute video explaining the phenomena known as acid rain or acid deposition. It looks at what makes up acid rain (sulfur oxides and nitrogen ...
- Managing Urban Soils for Tree Survival [1%]
- This is a 15 minute video on the soil conditions found in urban and suburban areas. The video describes how urban soils are different than undisturbed soils ...