Forest Management
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36 items matching your criteria.

- Master Tree Farmer 2007 - Preparing for the Next Owner [1%]
- The 2007 Master Tree Farmer Mini-Series is designed for landowners, forestry association members, Extension agents, county foresters and others who find ...
- Master Tree Farmer 2004 [1%]
- The 2004 Master Tree Farmer Program is an intensive educational program designed to introduce landowners to many of the topics associated with forest ...
- Ulschmid's Woodland - Thinning Red Pine [1%]
- Interview with woodland owners Tom and Scott Ulschmid and Minnesota DNR Forester Kent Wolf. They discuss thinning red pine and making management decisions in a ...
- Master Tree Farmer 2008 - Risks and Risk Management [1%]
- Risks exist with every endeavor we face in life and this is certainly true with forest management. This three-week event will concentrate on the risks ...
- Jeffrey W. Stringer: Producing High Value Hardwood Trees [1%]
- Master Tree Farmer 2004- Session 4: Hardwood Management (Part 2)
- Mike Wetzel: Multiple Use Timber Management [1%]
- Master Tree Farmer 2004- Session 6: Management Opportunities (Part 3)
- Joel Felder: Landowner Services [1%]
- Master Tree Farmer 2004- Session 7: Service (Part 3)
- When Nature Is at Your Doorstep [1%]
- This is a short video produced by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the University of Florida about living at and management of forests in the ...
- Oregon's Generous Forests: Managing for Clean Water [1%]
- This is a 15 minute video about managing Oregon's various forest types for clean water.
- Managing Forest Ecosystems - Assessing New Opportunities [1%]
- This is an hour and 45 minute video teleconference produced by Oklahoma State University. Hosted by Steve Anderson, Extension Forester, this teleconference ...
- Longleaf Pine-Artificial Regeneration [1%]
- This video is a 45 minute video produced by the Longleaf Alliance on the importance of Longleaf as a tree species to the Southern United States. It explores ...
- Wayne Clatterbuck: Direct-seeding Acorns for Reforestation of Bottomland Oaks [1%]
- Master Tree Farmer 2004- Session 4: Hardwood Management (Part 1)
- Tree Crops [1%]
- This is a 40 minute video presentation on the benefits of planting tree crops on marginal farmland. Marginal farmland can be an abandoned hay field, an ...
- I want to log "selectively"-A Practical Guide to Partial Timber Harvesting [1%]
- This is a 40 minute video produced by Idaho Cooperative Extension. The video outlines concepts that will help forest landowners, logging operators, and ...
- Stewards of Family Farms, Ranches, and Forests [1%]
- This is 10 minute video describing the Stewards of Family Farms, Ranches, and Forests Initiative. It was put in place to help protect forest, ranch, and farm ...
- Thinning Pays [1%]
- This is a short video about cost share programs that support thinning in pine plantations.
- David Moorhead: Opportunities for Fertilizing Pine Plantations [1%]
- Master Tree Farmer 2004- Session 3: Pine Management (Part 2)
- Cover Your Assets/Starting a Pine Straw Enterprise [1%]
- Conservation Reserve Program-Growing Wildlife Benefits [1%]
- This a short University of Georgia Extension video highlighting the wildlife benefits associated with crops (namely trees) planted through the Conservation ...
- Safety Training for on the Ground Herbicides [1%]
- This is a 20 minute safety training video produced by the USFS on herbicides and herbicide use. The 5 areas explored are pesticide labeling and registration, ...
- Poultry Litter Application on a Pine Plantation [1%]
- This is a short 20 minute video produced by Oklahoma Cooperative Extension about the benefits of applying poultry litter to pine plantations and a how to.
- Forest Investments: A Climate for Profit [1%]
- This short video produced by Temple Inland outlines the advantages to investing in pine tree production and management.
- Herbicide Residues in Smoke [1%]
- This is a short 15-minute video addressing the question of whether or not herbicides can be detected in the smoke generated during a prescribed fire.
- Southern Hardwood Forest Management [1%]
- This is a 20 minute video produced by Mississippi Cooperative Extension on Southern Hardwood Forest Management. It looks at the relationship between species ...
- Donald P. Reed: Wildlife and Forestry Management The Best of Both Worlds [1%]
- Master Tree Farmer 2004- Session 6: Management Opportunities (Part 2)
- 2600 Series Feller Bunchers-Flat Out Felling [1%]
- This is a 13 minute about the Timberjack 2600 Series Feller Bunchers.
- Oregon's Generous Forests: Managing for Wood [1%]
- This is a fifteen minute video that looks at managing Oregon's various forest types for wood products.
- Chainsaw Safety from Farmweek [1%]
- This is a very short video on chainsaw safety 'dos' and 'don'ts'
- Chainsaws and Common Sense [1%]
- This is a 45 minute chainsaw safety video produced by Stihl for both amateurs and pros alike.
- David A. Hoge: Types of Landowner Assistance [1%]
- Master Tree Farmer 2004- Session 7: Service (Part 2)