Urban Forestry and Arboriculture
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29 items matching your criteria.

- Plant Health Care [1%]
- This is a short video produced by the International Society of Arboriculture. The video defines the concept of Plant Health Care (focusing on the ...
- Plant Health Care - Arborist [1%]
- This short video produced by the International Society of Arboriculture looks at the arborist's point of view with regards to Integrated Pest Management and ...
- Urban Forestry and Arboriculture Workshop [1%]
- This is an urban forestry and arboriculture workshop given by Dr. Kim Coder in Albany, GA on growing trees in urban environments, urban soils, pruning, ...
- When Nature Is at Your Doorstep [1%]
- This is a short video produced by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the University of Florida about living at and management of forests in the ...
- Heritage of Trees [1%]
- This is an hour long talk given by Dr. Kim Coder of the University of Georgia on the heritage of yard, urban, and community trees.
- Trees are Treasure-Sustaining the Community Forest [1%]
- This is a 20 minute video on the importance of trees in the urban landscape. It features Ed Macie from the USDA Forest Service.
- Street Trees-Site Selection, Planting and Maintenance in the Urban Landscape [1%]
- This is a 50 minute video training program on planting trees in cities for those interested in preserving or reclaiming cities for current and future use. ...
- Street Trees - Site Selection, Planting and Maintenance in the Urban Landscape [1%]
- This is video produced by Alabama Cooperative Extension on how to choose the right street tree, how to plant street trees well, and how to prune street trees.
- Gulf Coast Tree Assessment Project [1%]
- This is a short video on assessing hazardous trees and managing risk post Katrina and the 2005 Hurricane season. The goal of the project was to reduce ...
- Greening Our Cities - Bringing Nature Into the Places We Live [1%]
- This short video talks about the benefits of planting trees in urban settings.
- Research Practically Speaking Volume 6 [1%]
- This is the 6 video in a series produced by the International Society of Arboriculture. It discusses the USFS's database of southern trees available on CDROM ...
- The New Millennium - Part 2 [1%]
- This is the 2nd video conference in The New Millennium series on urban and community forestry. This 3 hour section focuses on urban forestry management tools.
- The New Millennium - Part 3 [1%]
- This is the 3rd video in the series called the New Millennium on Urban and Community forestry. Topics discussed in this installment focus on public policy, ...
- New Dimensions for the New Millennium - An Urban and Community Forestry Update for the South [1%]
- This is the first video in the New Millennium Series on Urban and Community Forestry in the South. Ed Macie from the USFS, State and Private gives an overview ...
- Symposium on Urban Forest Inventory Systems [1%]
- This an hour and a half recording of a symposium on urban forest inventory systems.
- Constuction Damage to Trees in Wooded Lots [1%]
- This video, produced by the International Society of Arboriculture, looks at various types of damage caused by construction on wooded lots.
- Tree Pruning - The Importance of Proper Tree Maintenance [1%]
- This is a short video produced in Florida about the importance of tree maintenance and tree pruning in an urban setting.
- Tree Valuation and Appraisal [1%]
- This is an hour long talk given by Dr. Kim Coder of the University of Georgia on how to properly value and appraise single trees in an urban setting.
- Urban Forestry - Making Trees Work for Your Community [1%]
- This is a fifteen minute video produced by Alabama Power on the importance of taking care of older trees in an urban setting, especially near power lines.
- Research Practically Speaking Volume 7 [1%]
- This episode of Research Practically Speaking looks at the ancient art of Pollarding, a new way to evaluate health of trees, and how to use landscape cloths.
- Research Practically Speaking Volume 8 [1%]
- On this edition of Research Practically Speaking how valuable trees are, tree staking, and root barriers are explored.
- Avoidance of Construction Damage to Trees on Wooded Lots [1%]
- This video, produced by the International Society of Arboriculture, is a short video highlighting how homeowners and construction workers can avoid damage to ...
- Research Practically Speaking Volume 1 [1%]
- This is the first in a series produced by the International Society of Arboriculture. The purpose of the series is to report the latest arboriculture research ...
- Research Practically Speaking Volume 2: [1%]
- This is the second in a series of videos that brings research level work in the field of arboriculture to the arborists working on the ground.
- Research Practically Speaking Volume 4 [1%]
- This is the fourth video in a series aimed at taking research level information and making it useful for practitioners (arborists) at ground level. This video ...
- Research Practically Speaking Volume 5 [1%]
- This is the 5th video in a series that aims to take university research level information and make it accessible for on the ground practitioners (arborists). ...
- Managing Urban Soils for Tree Survival [1%]
- This is a 15 minute video on the soil conditions found in urban and suburban areas. The video describes how urban soils are different than undisturbed soils ...
- From Sketch to Street - Design for the Urban Forest, Part One [1%]
- This is a 15 minute video outlining how urban foresters go about planning and designing trees as a part of the cityscape. The video looks at various ways to ...
- Managing Urban Soils for Tree Survival [1%]
- This is a 15 minute video describing the unique conditions associated with urban and suburban soils. It describes these soils and explains how to mitigate ...