Wood Science
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15 items matching your criteria.

- Managing Moisture - Module 1 - Billion Dollar Theft [1%]
- This is a 20 minute introduction to managing the moisture that causes structural decay in houses and other built structures.
- Managing Moisture - Module 2 - There's No Future in a Wet Foundation [1%]
- This is the second video in the series "Managing Moisture". It takes a 15 minute look at diverting water away from the house and its foundation.
- Managing Moisture - Module 4 - The BMW Complex - Bugs, Moisture, & Wood [1%]
- This is the 4th video in the "Managing Moisture" series. It looks at the complex and costly relationship between wood, moisture, and bugs, primarily sub ...
- Managing Moisture [1%]
- This is a series of videos on managing the amount of moisture that gets into wood structures.
- Managing Moisture - Module 3 - Plan It Well, Build it Right, Keep It Forever [1%]
- This is the 3rd installment in the "Managing Moisture" series. It looks specifically at how to build a moisture free home--1) choosing an area that drains ...
- Vertibrate Pests of Trees - ID of Wildlife Damage to Woody Vegetation [1%]
- This is a 10 minute presentation given by Dr. Jeff Jackson of the University of Georgia on identifying vertebrate pests that attack woody material.
- Selected Presentation on Wood Technology [1%]
- This is a 45 minute collection of selected presentations on wood technology. R. Bruce Hoadley, author of the "Understanding Wood" is a featured speaker ...
- Managing Moisture - Module 5 - There's No Such Thing As Dry Rot [1%]
- This 20 minute video is the 5th in the managing moisture series. It looks specifically at fungi, what it takes for fungi to live, how fungi attack wood ...
- The Mechanism of Moisture Movement in Wood [1%]
- This is a 30 minute slide presentation on the mechanics of water movement in wood.
- "Wood Friendly" - Moisture Monitoring and Management [1%]
- This is a 20 minute promotional video produced by Wagner. It looks at their state of the art Wagner 680 moisture monitoring and management system.
- Controlling Wood Infesting Beetles [1%]
- This is video of an hour long lecture given by Terry Amburgery on controlling wood infesting beetles. It explores both chemical and non-chemical methods.
- The Techniques of Lumber Yield Improvement - Part 1 [1%]
- This is the first in a series geared towards the wood-based industry. Produced by NC State, this hour and a half long video looks specifically at techniques ...
- A Closer Look at Trees [1%]
- This video is a two-hour long video that takes the viewer closer into the heart of a tree. It explores wood physiology and the microscopic features of various ...
- The Techniques of Lumber Yield Improvement - Part 2 [1%]
- This is the last 30 minutes of the Techniques of Lumber Yield Improvement presentation.
- Wood Preservation - Termites [1%]
- This is a 60 minute presentation given by Dr. Terry Amburgey on protecting wood from termites.